
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body

and knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 NLT

Knitted together in our mother’s womb by the Creator himself, the Maker, the Weaver. Carefully knitting every fiber to make us whole. We are His masterpiece. His creation who He knitted with unconditional love. His love never fails.

When life circumstances brings us down to our knees, in despair and hopelessness, and unravels us, our Creator knits us back to newness making us whole again. We just have to believe.

When my mother passed, I became undone, unraveled, broken, separated from life. Death was not a spoken word by my mouth. It was a harsh, cruel, and hateful word to depict the passing of my mother. But it was reality.

She was a woman who loved; who cared. A gentle woman who loved Jesus to the very end, to the last day of her life on earth. And, I was there as her witness her love for Jesus. That was the day I became unraveled and in need of immediate repair, to pick up all the shattered pieces of my life. A life that would not ever be the same again, not ever be normal. It was so long to my normal, what I knew of it. Goodbye to what was.

To those who are grieving a loss, you are not alone. God walks with us through the grief, through the season, through the valley, through the desert, through the wilderness and through the dry places. He will reveal His love, comfort, peace, and hope. Sometimes life doesn’t make sense, and it’s ok. Sometimes we despise celebrations, and it’s ok. Because we grieve and loved. Jesus knows the grief, the sorrow and the loneliness. He understands completely. Jesus is the only One who can heal and bring us back to life.

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